
The Futur - The Complete Case Study v1
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The Futur - The Complete Case Study v1

The Futur - 平面设计完全课程

 The Complete Case Study
Stop wasting time on your portfolio.
Your work won't speak for itself. Feel confident about sharing your projects and process with this fast and easy-to-use framework.

Learn how to find bigger, better clients using great case studies
What if you could easily turn your successful projects into sales?
What if you could stop panicking every time someone asks about your portfolio?
What if you could feel confident and optimistic about sharing your process and results?

Hi! My name is Ben Burns.

I’m the author of The Complete Case Study and The Perfect Proposal, I am the Digital Director of Blind, and I’m the guy who went from selling logos from $50 to $30,000 (we sell logos for a lot more now, btw).


标签: 平面 设计 教程 印刷 排版
分类:教程 > 2D教程 > 平面设计
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2019/6/6 17:24:13 | 更新时间:2019/6/6 17:32:11

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