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Our Story

I say our story but its actually just one guy, Ed Gregory (me). Just over a year ago I decided to give my photos away for free.
Stock Photos for Commercial And Personal Use

Why? a lot of people have asked. As a photographer I take a lot of photos and most of them will never be seen by anyone. They just sit on hard drives, hidden, so I thought why not let people put them to use. To be honest it was a little weekend project that I set up to see if anyone actually wanted my unused photos. Amazingly I quickly received thousands of downloads and so many wonderful emails thanking me for the photos.

Fast forward a few months and I decided to start photographing specifically for stokpic to ensure high quality photos for my subscribers. At this point all photos were under the CC0 license meaning they were public domain and anyone could use them for any reason they pleased. I quickly started finding my photos on all sorts of free download sites. Although the is completely ok it made me think about things.

Although my photos are free I still believe photography is a beautiful art form that should be treated with care and great respect. So I introduced my own stokpic license. Essentially making stokpic an exclusive club to those who know about it. If you want these photos you will have to come here especially to find them.

As you know I have advertising on the website to attempt to cover the costs of running the site. This fortunately has grown and now brings in more money than it costs to run the site which is why I started Stokpic Sponsored Photographers Program. All the money the site earns from advertising gets returned back to the art world by funding photographers.

Do I intend to turn this into a business. Yes, however I want to ensure that as the site earns more money it is reinvested into photographers so they get paid for their work. Its just going to take me a while to get to this point.

The most exciting part of this project is the community surrounding Stokpic. Thousands of subscribers write to me all the time. Asking questions, giving words of encouragement and or course lot of requests. I answer each and every one personally.

Thank you for using and I hope you enjoy being a part of its journey.


标签: 照片 素材 网站 摄影
分类:网站 > 网站收藏 > 摄影摄像
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2019/4/17 13:34:22 | 更新时间:2019/4/17 13:40:16

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