
Substance Painter 20 Substances New Fabrics
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Substance Painter 20 Substances New Fabrics

Substance Painter 20 个新布料材质预设。

In this collection, you can get your hands on two kinds of materials. The first is composed of scans, to which we’ve added modifiable parameters. These hybrid scans push the borders of capture: though based on real-world data, you retain the ability to synthetically modify several aspects of the material, such as color, scale, and more.

Because we like to go above and beyond, we’ve also added entirely procedural fabric armors. These materials reproduce plain twill weaving and simple knit structures. And procedural means absolute freedom, since every single brick that comprises the material is modifiable.


标签: sp 材质 纹理 预设 布料 布纹
分类:资源 > 2D资源 > 材质贴图
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2019/3/7 13:38:21 | 更新时间:2019/3/7 13:41:27

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