
GameTextures Entire Library 2k jpg
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GameTextures Entire Library 2k jpg



来自于 网站的游戏贴图包,世界上第一个基于物理的视频游戏贴图库!




The worlds First Physically Based Video Game Material Library!

We make beautiful textures that are easy to download and use.

A good texture isn’t just a photo; A good texture, just like any piece of art, tells a story. It inspires imagination and creativity. Textures are the most overlooked part of the video-game art process, and we know they can be used for so much more.

You can see in each of our textures that we have fought tooth and nail to tell as many stories as possible. This is what is different about us. We make these textures not because we want to sell them, but because we truly love the process. This is what we want to pass on to our customers.

Our History

We opened our doors for business in 2012, and since then have served over 20,000 customers, thousands of indie games, and several huge name AAA studios. In 2013 We were featured all over the internet on popular websites such as CGCookie, 3DTotal, 3DArtist, The Unreal Blog, and in the magazine 3D Artist, and since then we’ve been growing like crazy. We prefer beer, but will drink anything. We prefer food, but will also eat anything.

If there’s anything you need, or anything you want to know about what we do please just ask. We love to chat, and are always around.

标签: 材质 贴图 纹理 素材
分类:资源 > 2D资源 > 材质贴图
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2018/12/1 16:11:51 | 更新时间:2018/12/1 16:25:43

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