
Sasha Juliard - Vibes Master Collection
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Sasha Juliard - Vibes Master Collection

Vibes 2018lightroom 调色预设包。


My Latest and Greatest Preset Bundle
– My Newest Professional Presets for Lightroom Desktop version
– My Newest Presets for Lightroom Mobile for editing on the go
– Access to editing videos to see how I take photos from ‘meh’ to ‘WOW’ real quick
– Access to all future updates of my presets. As I make new ones, you will have access to them.

I am really excited to offer this whole editing package for anyone looking to make their photos stand out. I really feel like these videos that accompany the editing presets help unlock their full potential all while learning the fundamentals of photography and editing.

The Desktop version of these presets require the Lightroom desktop software (OSX or Windows) and works with .jpgs and RAW files. It is highly recommended that you shoot in RAW as the presets will be able to pull more details from a RAW file.

I always shoot RAW with a Nikon D750 & auto white balance and under exposed just slightly.


标签: lr lightroom 预设 调色 后期
分类:资源 > 软件资源 > 调色预设文件
发布:CGer | 查看:1233 | 发表时间:2018/11/6 16:54:46 | 更新时间:2018/11/6 17:00:47

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