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Mush3D 0.99

Mush3d 099M





Former Double Negative 3D modeller Luiz Elias has released Shot Sculpt, an innovative tool for sculpting corrective shapes or applying cloth or jiggle deformation to animation caches generated in other software.

The software looks to provide a quick, intuitive way to fix artefacts in character animation, or to generate secondary motion without the need to set up a dedicated cloth or muscle system.

Edit Alembic animation caches using an intuitive brush-based workflow
Shot Sculpt imports geometry caches generated in other DCC software in Alembic (.abc) format.

Once imported, users can sculpt on top of the cache on a per-frame basis using a small set of ZBrush-like brushes (Standard, Move, Inflate, Clay, Crease and Flatten, plus an Erase brush to reverse the effects).

The intensity of the corrective shape can then be keyframed in the timeline, with Shot Sculpt automatically generating a smooth transition curve.

It’s possible to mask out parts of the mesh to confine the area affected, and to move the light around the scene or to switch to a wireframe view to help check the result.

As well as sculpting corrective shapes manually, it’s also possible to mask out a part of the mesh and apply a Delta Mush, jiggle or cloth deformation effect.

That provides a quick way to generate plausible-looking muscle or skin deformation for organic characters: in the video above, you can see the cloth deformation used to generate skin folds on an elephant.


标签: 动画 雕刻 建模 软件
分类:资源 > 软件资源 > 软件资源:未分类
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2018/11/5 15:30:28 | 更新时间:2020/1/10 17:02:33

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