Joker Martini - 6 Plugins for 3ds Max
Joker Martini 网站的 6 个 3ds Max插件合集
Cables Spline is a shape plugin for 3ds Max which gives users the ability to create suspended cables along cylindrical paths. In this video below you’ll see how to use the plugin and ways to create various bundles of cables.
Cables Spline是用于3ds Max的形状插件,可让用户沿圆柱形路径创建悬挂电缆。
Curly is a scripted modifier plugin for 3ds Max which allows users to create rolling and unrolling animations. This modifier makes it very simple to demonstrate a blanket unrolling, or a flag unraveling from it’s supports. Check out the videos for Curly, to see it in action.
Curly是3ds Max的脚本修饰器插件,允许用户创建滚动和展开动画。 这个修饰符使得演示一个全局展开或者从它的支持中解开一个标志变得非常简单。
Helix Pro is a 3ds Max’s spline shape plugin. Helix pro gives users the ability to control every aspect of a helix such as bias, knot/vert count, start/end radius, size of each revolution, as well as spacing between each revolution. All the parameters are animatable.
Helix Pro是3ds Max的样条形插件。 Helix pro使用户能够控制螺旋的每个方面,如偏差,结/垂直计数,开始/结束半径,每次旋转的大小以及每次旋转之间的间距。 所有参数都是可以动画的。
Plane Plus是一个3ds Max几何图形插件。 此新对象允许用户创建简单的平面对象,并在3ds Max中添加各种添加到默认平面的对象。 用户可以将图像分配到平面,平面将自动调整其大小和纵横比以匹配图像。 一旦图像被加载,用户可以调整平面的大小,同时保持图像的高宽比。
Plane Plus is a 3ds Max geometry plugin. This new object allows users to create simple plane objects with various additions to the default plane in 3ds Max. Users can assign an image to the plane and the plane will automatically adjust it’s size and aspect ratio to match the image. Once the image is loaded user can adjust the size of the plane while maintaining the aspect ratio of the image.
Tubing is a 3ds Max Geometry plugin which allows users to generate a tileable mesh by using splines to define the base and profile of the mesh. Check out the video below to see the tool in action!
Tubing是一个3ds Max几何插件,允许用户使用样条曲线来定义网格的基础和轮廓,从而生成一个可变网格。
Welder is a 3ds Max plugin designed to make the creation of welds quick and easy.
Welder是一个3ds Max插件,旨在使焊接的创建变得快速和简单。
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