
Guthrie CAD Viewer
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Guthrie CAD Viewer

CAD Viewer是一个DWG查看器,可以查看/打印AutoCAD 2019以及Microstation DGN,PDF图纸,HGPL,ESRI Shapefile和多种光栅图像格式的DWF,DXF和DWG图纸。 CAD查看器功能包括保存为PDF,将DWG转换为PDF,DXF转换为PDF,DGN转换为PDF,可以选择单独输出图形或作为单个组合的PDF图纸书输出。

CAD Viewer 非常容易用于非CAD用户,并允许一次加载多达1000个图纸。

  •易于查看和打印所有AutoCAD®DWG / DXF / DWF格式,包括AutoCAD 2019和PDF

CAD Viewer is an DWG Viewer that views/prints DWF, DXF and DWG drawings up to AutoCAD 2019, as well as Microstation DGN, PDF drawings, HGPL, ESRI Shapefile, and multiple raster image formats. CAD Viewer features include save to PDF, convert DWG to PDF, DXF to PDF, DGN to PDF, with the option to output drawings individually or as a single combined PDF drawings book.

CAD Viewer is easy to use for the non-CAD user and allows up to 1000 drawings to be loaded at once.

 • Easy to view and print all AutoCAD® DWG/DXF/DWF formats including AutoCAD 2019 and PDF
 • No registration required to download and use
 • Quick download and simple installation
 • Instantly load and print CAD drawings
 • Convert and Publish CAD drawings as PDF or JPEGs


标签: cad 浏览 软件
分类:资源 > 软件资源 > 软件资源:未分类
发布:CGer | 查看:1154 | 发表时间:2018/5/23 13:35:59 | 更新时间:2018/5/23 13:46:16

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