
MASTIN LABS Bundle 2017 Edition - Lightroom ACR Presets and App
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MASTIN LABS Bundle 2017 Edition - Lightroom ACR Presets and App

MASTIN LABS预设2017年合集:

Mastin Labs Fuji Pro

Mastin Labs Ilford BW

Mastin Labs Portra

MastinLabs Portra Pushed Pack 1.0

New Mastin labs presets and App with Push Potra. Although I already seed in this forum the Mastin Labs presets, this new package has some new things. Prests for blogs and the new Portra Push, The Fuji ones are not here. For the Portra Push, Mastin made an installer, I only have for PC, so no MAC installer here.
Appart from Canon and Nikon presets in Push Portra and other presets, now you have for Fuji X Trans and Sony。


标签: 调色 预设 后期
分类:资源 > 软件资源 > 调色预设文件
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2018/5/8 18:37:48 | 更新时间:2018/5/8 18:45:05

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