
Gumroad - Substance Masters Vol 1
1 8

Gumroad - Substance Masters Vol 1

本教材重点讲解和展示3种高级substance designer的材质整个制作过程,您可以深入了解完整的substance designer,或者您可以在11小时的录制视频中观看创作过程。

This set focuses on teaching and showing the whole creation process of 3 advanced substance designer materials, you can dig into the full and commented source SBS substance designer file or you can watch the creation process in the 11 hours of recorded video. For those interested in presentation you can check out the marmoset toolbag files that are included.

For those wanting to use the materials in a game or other commercial projects PNG, Tiff and TGA texture files are included as well as SBSAR files for use in substance painter or substance player.


标签: 材质 贴图 纹理 教程
分类:教程 > 3D教程 > Substance
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2018/2/12 16:33:01 | 更新时间:2018/2/12 16:41:19

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