本教程是由Eat3D机构出品的Eat3D Autodesk MotionBuilder Motion Capture Production Pipeline 教程,MotionBuilder运动捕捉制作流程教程,时长:5小时30分,作者:Markus,大小:1.04G,MP4视频格式,语言:英语。
教程所使用的软件:Autodesk MotionBuilder 2012, Unreal Development Kit
在本DVD中,导师Markus将教授我们使用好几个运动捕捉文件创建一个复杂的最终场景。开始的时候他为我们介绍了MotionBuilder的 界面,还有如何将角色从MAYA中导出,并且传递到MotionBuilder中。然后他在MotionBuilder中为我们介绍了如何绑定骨骼,并且 创建绑定的姿势,接着他为一个actor设定了markers,并且使用这个actor将运动捕捉信息应用到这个角色上。接下来Markus使用原始的动 画信息,选择其中的一部分,应用到场景中,并且通过它们制作出了一些动画片段。接下来他讲这些动画片段融合到一起,从而大致得到需要的结果,然后通过设置 时间让各部分看起来更好一些。接下来他道角色控制器中, 对它们进行艰苦的修饰工作,让动画看起来更自然一些。最后Markus将所有的东西都导入到UDK中,并创建出了一个完整的场景。最终场景中有使用声效, 粒子还有相机动画。
Alias MotionBuilder是用于游戏、电影、广播电视和多媒体制作的世界一流的实时三维角色动画生产力套装软件。利用实时的、以角色为中心的工具的集 合,对于从传统的插入关键帧到运动捕捉编辑范围内的各种任务,该软件为技术指导和艺术家提供了处理最苛刻的、高容量的动画的功能。它的固有文件格式 (FBX)使在创建三维内容的应用软件之间具有无与伦比的互用性使MotionBuilder 7成为可以增强任何现有制作生产线的补充软件包。
In this DVD, Instructor Markus Hammarstedt goes through the entire pipeline of taking several motion capture data files and creating a complex final scene. He starts off by giving an overview of the UI and then shows how to export your character from Maya and get it into MotionBuilder. From there he goes into assigning the bones and creating the bind pose. Next, he assigns the markers to an actor and takes that actor to retarget the motion capture to the character. Markus then takes the raw Mocap animation and selects the sections to use in the scene and create clips out of them. He then takes the clips and blends them together to get a rough idea where they need to go and then fixes the timing to make everything look better. After that, he goes into character controllers and then the hard work of polishing the animations to look more natural. Finally, Markus shows how to take everything into UDK to create a full scene, complete with a matinee sequence with sounds, particles, and camera animations.
This DVD is perfect for those who want to learn more about motionbuilder and how to create a complex production scene.
About the Instructor:
Markus Hammarstedt has been working with Animation and MotionBuilder for over 4 years and worked on such games as Bulletstorm, Terminator Salvation, and Bionic Commando Rearmed 2. Markus has worked for over 2 years at Epic Games / People Can Fly and is currently at MachineGames, a ZeniMax studio, working on an unannounced project.
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