
CGAxis Models Volume 43 Books II + Render Scene
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CGAxis Models Volume 43 Books II + Render Scene

cgaxis模型第43期 – 书II 是一个包含468本书和CD盒模型的集合。非常详细的三维模型69套,每个模型都可以单独变换,每个模型都有独特的前和后盖的贴图。也让你的工作更容易,大多数模型有三个变种。

CGAxis Models Volume 43 – Books II is a collection contains 468 highly detailed 3D models of books, cd’s, dvd’s and blue ray arranged in 69 sets. Each model can be transformed separately and each have unique texture map on front and back cover. Also to make your work easier most models comes in three variants. All are mapped and have materials and textures. Compatible with 3ds max 2010 or higher and many others.
Render scene with all models, materials and textures included only with all formats. Ready to open in 3ds max 2010 and VRay 2.0


标签: 书籍 书刊 模型 cd盒
分类:资源 > 3D资源 > 装饰品/摆设
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2016/11/14 15:50:50 | 更新时间:2016/11/14 15:50:50

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