
JixiPix Pastello
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JixiPix Pastello 1.0.2 (x86x64)

JixiPix Pastello 1.0.3

JixiPix Pastello,独立的产品,将照片制作成美术画,蜡笔,铅笔,粉笔,木炭等风格。还包括ps插件,Lightroom插件和PaintShop Pro插件。

Standalone Product that transform photos into a fine art drawings with Pastel, Pencil, Chalk, Charcoal and Crayon. Also includes plugin for Photoshop, Elements, Lightroom and PaintShop Pro

Introducing Pastello, a brand-new companion app to JixiPix’s Impresso Pro. Pastello takes you back in time to the 15th century. Away from brushes and large strokes and into the realm of dry media with color that is both brilliant and subtle. The “Dry color method” made famous by Leonardo da Vinci is so powerful in its simplicity and beauty with its black and red chalk and yellow pastel highlights. Later, artists would paint charming portraits in a smooth heavily blended fashion. Move forward a few centuries later and pastel quickly became filled with brilliant color and crisp detail. Fast forward to today and a digital age has made it so you, the artist, can mix and match media that is difficult or impossible in a traditional setting.


标签: 软件 后期 照片处理 手绘 插件
分类:资源 > 软件资源 > 软件资源:未分类
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2016/8/22 18:49:04 | 更新时间:2016/9/11 17:06:38

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