
GEOLayers - AE地图地形工具
0 29

Aescripts GEO Layers v1.082

GEOlayers 2

GEOlayers 2 1.2.4 (Mac+Crack)

GEOlayers2 1.2.7

GEOlayers 2 v1.2.8

GEOLayers 3 v1.0.0 219

GEOlayers 3 V1.1.6

GEOlayers 3 v1.5.0

GEOlayers 3 1.5.3

GEOlayers 3 v1.5.7 build 834

GEOlayers 3 v1.5.7 (WIN+MAC)

GEOlayers3.1.6.3 build847

Geolayers 3 version 1.7.0 WinMac

GEOlayers 3 v1.11.1

GEOlayers 3 v1.12.2

GEOlayers 3 可让您直接在 After Effects 中设计地图并制作地图动画。

它为您呈现来自不同在线数据源的自定义地图。 它还提供对世界地理空间特征的广泛数据库的直接访问。 您可以轻松地将建筑物绘制到 After Effects 形状图层,突出显示国家边界、街道、湖泊、河流、地点、地区、动画驾驶路线以及挤出建筑物。 世界上任何具有地理数据的事物都可以作为可编辑资源集成到 After Effects 中。

GEOlayers 3 附带大量默认地图样式。 但这还不是全部, 通过一键单击,您可以根据合成、图像或 Adobe Swatch 文件的颜色创建样式。 您还可以从任何常见的基于图像的切片服务器检索图像。 MapTiler Cloud 等平台可以将可自定义底图的所有优势直接带入 After Effects。

Create maps directly in After Effects using highly detailed vector-data and HTTP-tileservers for up-to-date imagery. Use with Trapcode Mir and create 3D terrains with real data.

GEOlayers 3 lets you design and animate maps directly in After Effects.

It renders custom maps for you from different online data sources. It also provides direct access to extensive databases of geospatial features of the world. You can easily draw buildings to After Effects shape layers, highlight country borders, streets, lakes, rivers, places, regions, animate driving routes, and extrude buildings. Anything in the world that has geodata can be integrated as an editable asset in After Effects.

GEOlayers 3 comes with a large set of default map styles. But that's not all. One-click lets you create a style from the colors of a composition, an image or Adobe Swatch file. You can also retrieve imagery from any common image-based tileserver. Platforms such as MapTiler Cloud can bring all its advantages of customizable basemaps directly into After Effects.


标签: AE after effects 插件 地形 软件
分类:资源 > 软件资源 > After effects 插件
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2016/6/14 20:29:26 | 更新时间:2025/3/27 21:58:37

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