
Franzis softwares - 照片编辑软件包
0 18

ANALOG Projects 3

B&W Projects v4.41

COLOR Projects 4.41.02511

DENOISE Projects 1.17.02351

FOCUS Projects 3.25

HDR Projects Pro v4.41.02511.x86x64

SHARPEN Projects 1.16.02565.x86x64

Franzis HDR Projects Professional 5.52.02653 Win

Franzis COLOR and Black White Projects 5.52 Win

Franzis SHARPEN Projects Professional 1.19.02653

Franzis DENOISE Projects Professional 2.27.02713 Win

Franzis SHARPEN Projects Photographer 1.19 win

Franzis COLOR projects professional 6.63.03376 Win

Franzis BLACK WHITE projects professional 6.63.03376 Win x64

Franzis CutOut 8 professional Win x64

Franzis HDR Projects 8 Pro v8.32.03590

Franzis Photographers Project Collections v2

Franzis LUT Video #1 professional 1.14.03607 (x64)

Franzis BLACK & WHITE projects 7 professional 7.23.03822.Crack

Franzis ANALOG Professional 4.33.03822 - 64bit

Franzis SHARPEN 5 professional 5.41.03926 Win x64

Franzis ZOOM Video 2 professional 2.27.03926 Win x64

Franzis EMOTION #2 professional 2.27.04017 Win x64

Franzis FOCUS #6 professional 6.13.04017 Win x64

Franzis ANALOG Professional 5.21.04078 Win x64

Franzis BLACK & WHITE Professional 8.25.04078 Win x64

Franzis COLOR Professional 8.23.04078 Win x64

Franzis ANALOG Video #2 professional 2.13.04078 Win x64

Franzis的7套照片编辑软件,我们的工具作为 Adobe Lightroom 和 Photoshop 的插件或作为一个独立的应用程序。

HDR projects

这是魔术。从完整的光线信息开始。一旦你看过HDR图像,正常的图像就会显得无聊。HDR 项目 4 使您能够生成非常精确的照明情况,而这些情况是“正常”摄影或照片编辑无法实现的。超逼真图像的最新工艺,具有前所未有的无与伦比的对比度和细节!

This is magic. Start with complete light information. Once you have seen HDR images, normal images will just seem boring. HDR projects 4 enables you to generate very precise lighting situations that are not possible with “normal” photography or photo editing. The newest process for super realistic images with unbeatable contrast and detail that you have never seen before!


DENOISE projects professional

DENOISE项目专业版扩大了您作为摄影师的范围,使您能够创建迷人的黄昏,野生动物,事件,水下和天文图像以及可用的光线照片。DENOISE项目是目前唯一 一款可以消除所有七种形式的图像噪声的软件:亮度噪声,色噪声,带状,色云,热像素,盐胡椒以及孔。全新开发的智能图案匹配噪点技术可完美消除图像中的噪点,同时仍保留色彩、锐度和最精细的细节。

DENOISE projects professional expands your scope as a photographer, enabling you to create fascinating twilight, wildlife, event, underwater and astro images as well as available light shots. DENOISE projects is currently the only available software that removes all seven forms of image noise: luminance noise, colour noise, banding, colour clouds, hot pixels, salt & pepper as well as holes. The completely newly developed Smart Pattern Matching noise technology perfectly removes noise from your images while still keeping the colours, sharpness and finest details.


BLACK & WHITE projects

BLACK & WHITE projects 4是一个完美的工具,使所有对黑白照片具有特殊亲和力的摄影师都能留下自己的创意印记。全新的光谱灵敏度引擎允许您掌握每种转换颜色的灰度值,并将其自定义为任何色调值。115个手工制作的预设为您提供了来自图像隐藏信息的大量选项。通过改编自伊尔福德、柯达、罗莱和富士等经典作品的高分辨率胶片仿真,为您的照片提供 100% 模拟效果。

BLACK & WHITE projects 4 is the perfect tool to enable all photographers with a special affinity for black & white photos to make their creative mark. The brand new spectral sensitivity engine allows you to grasp the grey value for every converted colour and customise it to any tone value. The 115 handcrafted presets offer you a plethora of options from your images’ hidden information. Give your picture a 100% analogue finish with high-res film emulations adapted from classics like Ilford, Kodak, Rollei and Fuji.


COLOR projects

暗淡的色彩、哑光的阴影、多云的天空、午后的阳光——完美的光线很难获得。忘记迄今为止您听说过的有关照片编辑的所有内容,COLOR projects是您照片的魔杖。

Dull colours, matt shadows, cloudy sky, afternoon sun – the perfect light is hard to come by. Forget everything you have heard about photo editing to date, COLOR projects 4 is your magic wand for your photos. Enjoy photography and create fabulous pictures. fore!


FOCUS projects 3 professional

FOCUS projects专业版,您可以使用曝光系列来创建具有出色深度的图像,并且即使是最小的物体也从前到后都清晰对焦。被拍摄的物体越小,距离越小,聚焦区域越窄。特别是对于全画幅相机,这种焦距可能小于一毫米。

With FOCUS projects 3 professional, you can use an exposure series to create an image with fantastic depth and where even the smallest object is in crisp focus from front-to-back. The smaller the object being photographed and the lesser the distance, the narrower the area of focus is. Particularly with full-frame cameras, this field of focus can amount to less than a millimetre. The solution: FOCUS projects 3 professional!


ANALOG projects

通过模拟项目获得最时髦的风格,如因斯塔马蒂奇 3。ANALOG projects 中的独特工具允许您使用光源,色调,颗粒,晕影,纹理,模糊和镜头眩光效果,并创建专业风格的图像,如照片编辑专业人士!

Get the hippest styles, like Instamatic, with ANALOG projects 3. The unique tools in ANALOG projects 3 allow you to play with light sources, hues, grain, vignetting, textures, blur and lens flare effects and create professionally styled images like a photo editing pro!


Sharpen projects professional

这听起来很熟悉吗?你拍了一张很棒的肖像照片,但它只是错过了令人惊叹的因素!这是因为眼睛需要清晰,但皮肤需要显得柔软。有了Sharpen projects,这不再是问题。灵敏选择性边缘识别允许您进行像素精确的选择,从而可以单独锐化定义的区域。

Does this sound familiar? You took a great portrait photo, but it’s just missing the wow factor! This is because the eyes need to be clear, but the skin needs to appear soft. With SHARPEN projects professional that is no longer a problem. The sensitive-selective edge recognition allows you to make a pixel-exact selection which makes it possible to sharpen defined areas individually.


Franzis CutOut

用CutOut 创建完美的照片蒙太奇,其中你可以用鼠标点击剪出物体,然后插入到另一张照片中——就像你在这个背景前面拍摄你的物体一样!

Create with CutOut 2018 professional the perfect photo montages, in which you can cut out objects with a few mouse clicks and insert into another photo – just as if you photographed your object in front of this background!


NEAT Projects


Copy landmarks, squares and cityscapes without annoying tourists: How often have you waited standing in front of attractions waiting for a moment where you can take the photo without annoying tourists? With the new NEAT projects 2 professional, you can do this easily and won’t have to wait any longer!


LUT Video #1 professional

LUT Video\351 professional可快速轻松地从每张图像创建一个查找表,您只需单击几下,即可将喜爱的照片样式立即应用到视频中。

LUT Video #1 professional erstellt aus jedem Bild schnell und unkompliziert eine „Look-Up-Tabelle“ mit der Sie über wenige Klicks Ihren Lieblingsstil eines Fotos sofort auf Ihr Video anwenden können.



体验专业 EMOTION 项目带来的新形象氛围带来的差异。 以前所未有的方式创造性地编辑照片!

Experience the difference a new image atmosphere can make with EMOTION projects professional. Creatively edit photos like never before!


Franzis FOCUS

使用 FOCUS 创建教科书般的锐利且具有您以前从未见过的细节的图像。

Create textbook macros, razor-sharp and with details like you’ve never seen before with FOCUS projects 5 Pro



Franzis ANALOG Video professional 是一款用于编辑视频并向视频添加视觉效果的软件。您可以从 12 个类别的 140 个手动优化的模拟模式中进行选择,只需单击一下即可将它们放入录音中。用户界面针对高清和超高清 (4K) 进行了优化。所有主要区域都可以单独移动,所有按钮都有交互式解释。

Franzis ANALOG Video #1 professional is software to edit videos and add visual effects to your videos. You can choose from 140 manually optimized analog patterns in 12 categories that you can place in your recordings with a single click. The user interface is optimized for use in HD and Ultra HD (4K). All main areas can be moved individually and all buttons have interactive explanations.


标签: 软件 插件 后期 图像处理
分类:资源 > 软件资源 > 软件资源:未分类
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2016/5/13 14:58:03 | 更新时间:2024/11/8 23:42:26

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