
UnrealEngine4 - Dungeon Architect 1.4.0
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UnrealEngine4 - Dungeon Architect 1.4.0

Dungeon Architect 地牢建筑师是一个插件,扩展了UE4编辑器来帮助简化游戏地图的创造过程。


  • 有各种可调参数,单击程序建立庞大的地图。

  • 手动设计的布局,更具有艺术性的控制与自定义编辑器工具(笔刷工具,容积编辑等),并有插件自动建立周围的环境。

  • 用一个强大的基于图形的主题编辑器定义你的外观和感觉。这可以让你在网格被这个插件来自动填充,来建造周围的墙壁、地板、门、楼梯等)

  • 项目文件保存为单独的数据资产,因此他们可以重复使用在项目之间或可以换其他的主题文件彻底修改。

  • 在同一地图上支持多个主题。

  • 支持高度的变化,使他们更有趣!

  • 全部源代码

Dungeon Architect is a plugin that extends the UE4 Editor to help streamline the level creation process.

Build vast levels procedurally with a single click with various tweakable parameter, either at design time or at runtime.
Manually design the layout of your levels for more artistic control with custom editor tools (Paint Brush Tool, Volumes etc) , and have the plugin automatically build the environment around it
Define the look and feel of your level using a powerful Graph based Theme Editor. This lets you instruct the plugin on the meshes and actors to populate around the level as it is being built (around walls, floor, doors, stairs etc)
Theme files are saved as separate data asset so they can be reused between projects or can be swapped with other theme files to completely change the look
Supports multiple themes on the same map. For e.g. Wood based architecture in one area, stone based in a nearby area. Override the theme on any part of your level using a custom volume actor
Supports height variations on the level to make them more interesting!

Full C++ source code access


标签: ue4 插件 虚幻 游戏引擎
分类:资源 > 3D资源 > Unreal Engine 资源
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2016/1/3 15:51:53 | 更新时间:2016/1/3 15:51:53

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