
Autodesk Crispin 系列软件
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Autodesk Crispin 系列软件。

Autodesk Crispin Engineer 2016 Win64-SSQ

Autodesk Crispin KnifeCut 2016 R1-SSQ

Autodesk Crispin LastMaker 2016 R1 Win64-SSQ

Autodesk Crispin PatternCut 2016 R1-SSQ

Autodesk Crispin ShoeCost 2016 R1 Win64-SSQ

Autodesk Crispin ShoeMaker 2016 R1 Win64-SSQ

Autodesk Crispin TechPac 2016 R1 Win64-SSQ

Autodesk Crispin Engineer Pro 2016 SP2

Crispin LastMaker 2016 R1 SP3 Update

Crispin ShoeCost 2016 R1 SP3 Update

Crispin ShoeMaker 2016 R1 SP3 Update

Crispin Engineer Pro 是一款基于 PC 运行的专业制鞋 CAD/CAM 解决方案,是公认的全球领先、唯一能为制鞋业提供数字化全面解决方案的软件系统,包含从鞋楦、鞋款设计到 2D 样板工程、级放和鞋片切割、鞋底鞋模配件设计与加工、检测、逆向工程等多个软件模块,每个模块都可以独立运行。它为鞋类企业各设计部门,开发部门,制造部门和供应商提供了一个统一的工作平台,使他们能快速、有效地进行鞋类 2D、3D 设计、造型、逆向工程、放码、制造(包括工艺)。

Pattern engineering and grading
As the process of footwear design transcends to digital, collections are produced more quickly putting even more pressure on pattern engineers to produce patterns more quickly and accurately. With Engineer, you can digitise patterns easily so you can edit them faster and with greater precision.


CRISPIN KnifeCut 是一个易于使用的皮革切割系统, 用户可通过投影系统交互地在皮革上进行排料,为开发样品鞋或生产批量鞋服务,切割鞋片部件。CRISPIN KnifeCut可同时驱动两台皮革切割机工作,在一台切割机进行切割的同时可在另一台切割机上进行排版。

Footwear production tools
Our specialist footwear CAM software (computer aided manufacturing) provides the tools you need to improve the efficiency of footwear manufacturing.


LastMaker 为您提供了3D鞋楦设计、工程和制造解决方案,相比传统手工制楦,LastMaker 可大幅缩短鞋楦设计与修改时间,快速制造出符合生产需要的更精准的数字化鞋楦,确保更短的鞋楦制作周期。 LastMaker易学易用,鞋楦设计和修改过程非常简单,即使是没有电脑操作经验的用户,仅经过几个小时的训练也可以投入工作。可对鞋楦任意局部位置进 行精确的参数化修改,生成的鞋楦和级放鞋楦数据可以输入到鞋楦数控加工机,或以数据化格式发送给鞋楦加工厂家。可参考扫描的脚型数据修改已有鞋楦,生成定 制化鞋楦。卓越的 2D 样板工程和级放系统,能快速生成鞋片、级放,输出切割。

3D last engineering and grading software
The last making process is arguably the most important part of shoe design, so it needs to be precise. With Crispin LastMaker, you are able to create 3D digital lasts that can be modified quickly and easily by editing your measurements. This means your lasts are more accurate than hand creation.


PatternCut 是一款基于PC运行的专业制鞋CAD/CAM解决方案,是公认的全球领先、唯一能为制鞋业提供数位化全面的解决方案的软件系 统。PatternCut 主要用于鞋制造业中的样板切割系统,使用PatternCut 可以快速完成多个切割版面的排版、切割纸板、塑料 板、纤维板鞋片或级放的全套鞋片新板。

Footwear production tools
Our specialist footwear CAM software (computer aided manufacturing) provides the tools you need to improve the efficiency of footwear manufacturing.


ShoeCost 易学易用,可提供快速准确的成本核算,提供真皮材料 Parallelogram, SLM 和 Collective 算法。用户可自定义系数获取皮料成本或平均尺寸,同时合成革算料可根据单张或成卷材料核算实际成本。可将鞋子部件添加到详细的材料单中,同时人力成本和营 运成本也可添加到核算,从而计算出整双鞋的成本。

Complete footwear costing
For every production design, you will be required to work within a budget or unit price. Crispin ShoeCost is a simple costing software solution that automatically nests for material efficiency in both leather and synthetic materials. By making the most of your material, you keep unit prices down and ensure profitability for your customers.


Crispin ShoeMaker一运动专业制鞋 CAD/CAM 解决方案方案,公认的全球领先和仅能为制鞋行业提供全面的数字解决方案方案的软件系统,最后,包含从鞋鞋段设计到 2D 示范工程和水平放鞋片切割,和鞋底鞋模具配件的设计及加工检测和逆向工程,多个软件模块,每个模块都可以独立运行。它设计用于鞋类企业部、 开发部、 制造部门从鞋业的 Delcam Delcam 克里斯解决方案允许降低的成本和时间来准备新的模式。款式设计阶段计算机模拟减少了设计时间,加速了编写的视觉材料基础上进行决策。风格的讨论可以去远的地方使用现代电子技术。大大简化了评分元素的鞋码的过程。切削优化可以节省材料。

3D concept design and visualization software
Crispin ShoeMaker – our digital shoe design software - is created to allow you to push the boundaries of conventional footwear design by providing simple tools that help you deliver the very best in new collections.


Autodesk Crispin TechPac 制鞋生产装配技术文档生成软件模块用于创建工作方案Delcam Crispin(鞋子设计)使用的技术文档。

鞋子的生产过程中技术文档是准确装配至关重要必备条件。这可以以多种方式来完成,然而Crispin TechPac具有定制模板,提供技术细节的鞋,机器在使用和操作序列的类型的优点。它们可以被保存为根据您的需要HTML或PDF文件。

Technical assembly diagrams
Technical documentation is essential for accurate assembly during the manufacture of a production shoe. This can be done in many ways, however Crispin TechPac has an advantage of customisable templates which provides technical detail about the shoe, type of machine to use and operation sequence. They can be saved as HTML or PDF files depending on your need.


标签: 鞋类 设计 软件 自动桌 鞋子
分类:资源 > 软件资源 > Autodesk
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2015/11/3 16:12:08 | 更新时间:2016/2/16 15:51:46

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